Inspiring Competence Small Group Mentoring

Inspiring Competence – Enhancing Your Presence and Power to Call Forth Your Clients’ Greatness!


The Inspiring Competence program is for experienced coaches who are passionate about continuous learning and personal growth adventures.

About the Inspiring Competence Program

Hello!  I’m Fran Fisher, a Master Certified Coach (MCC) and mentor coach for those who aspire to an ever-deepening mastery as you explore and expand your own personal and professional growth.  Such exploration requires commitment, curiosity, courage, and compassion for ourselves and others.   Our profession is a gift to the world who needs what we have to offer, whatever your special interests or niche may be.  As we seek mastery in our professional and personal lives, we do so by embodying what we learn and experience.

I invite you to step into an intimate learning environment with like-minded and like-spirited peers to:

  • Enhance your coaching mastery to extraordinary competence
  • Stretch yourself into new learning territories
  • Leverage your strengths and passion for greater contribution
  • Break through your inner glass barrier for your self-actualization

Imagine the benefits, as together, we:

  • Empower your personal learning, growth, and transformation
  • Deepen your coaching presence and power with clients
  • Enhance your coaching skills for accessing the transformational zone
  • Learn in the safety of supportive connections in your small group of peers

Please note that the Inspiring Competence program allows you to earn 26 ICF CCEUs and 3 ICF RDs and/or fulfill your required 10 hours of mentoring if needed.

What You Get When You Sign Up

Program Format

  • Small group of 10 participants MAX
  • Meetings held via Zoom™ webinars with recordings included
  • Pre-course assignment: Breakthrough Intention Worksheet
  • Ten 1.5-hour group sessions plus four 1:1 private sessions
  • Feedback pointing to the MCC level of ICF Competencies
  • Sessions include sharing and celebrating learning and breakthroughs; coaching with peers and mentor feedback; coaching with supervision feedback; skill exercises; and demonstrations; and Q/A
  • Earn 26 ICF CCEUs and 3 ICF RDs and/or fulfill your required 10 hours of mentoring if needed


Program Fee:  $2,650 USD paid in full in advance.  See the current downloadable program flyer linked below for upcoming program dates, times, and any early bird discounts offered.

The Expanded Inspiring Competence Program

I am excited to introduce a new Team approach format with two additional MCC mentors joining me in delivering the Inspiring Competence program:  Annie Gelfand, MCC, ACMC, and Diana Ideus, MCC, ACMC.  Our shared vision for this collaboration is that this expansion offers increased synergies for deepening the learning and increasing the value for YOU individually and as a group experience.

Annie Gelfand, MCC, ACMC

I’m pleased to announce that Annie Gelfand, MCC, ACMC, will be facilitating the Inspiring Competence classes, as well as serving as one of the MCC mentors for the program.  Learn more about Annie in the ACMC Mentor Directory here.

Diana Ideus, MCC, ACMC

Diana Ideus, MCC, ACMC, another highly skilled master coach, will be joining us as one of the MCC mentors for the program.  Learn more about Diana in the ACMC Mentor Directory here.

I’ve had the privilege of mentoring and training Annie and Diana to ensure that each of us aligns to the vision for Inspiring Competence objectives and the learning and support we can offer you.  At the same time, we offer you our unique perspectives and expertise that will surely deepen the experience for you as a participant.  From beginning to end, we’ll give you our best coaching efforts, along with insights, feedback, encouragement, and support.

Benefits of the Expanded Inspiring Competence Program

  • You will now have three master coaches to choose from for your four 1:1 mentor sessions.  We are also offering an additional 1:1 mentor session for each of you. Three are included in your tuition and an additional mentor session #4 will be provided on a complimentary basis.
  • Having three mentors to choose from offers the added benefit of learning from the experience, perspectives, and coaching styles of different master coaches.
  • We can also offer you a broader range of 1:1 mentor session scheduling opportunities (via Acuity Scheduling) so you can schedule ahead and with a different coach each time if you wish to do so.
  • I will also be providing ongoing supervision for your mentor team, so I will be asking your permission to record and listen to some of the recordings of your 1:1 mentor sessions with Annie and Diana.  This enables me to also support you both directly and indirectly.

Our goal is to provide you with generous support for your learning and growth.  You can help us help you by trusting each member of the team as your learning partner.

I hope you share my excitement about this new direction for the Inspiring Competence program!  And, as always, I am open to questions and feedback or hearing about any concerns you may have regarding this transformative experience.

The Next Available Inspiring Competence Program

The next Inspiring Competence program is July 2025 and runs from July 22 to Nov 18, meeting on Tuesdays, 11:00 PM to 12:30 PM (ET).  Download the July 2025 Inspiring Competence Program Flyer here and the July registration form here.  Also, feel free to reach out to Fran via her contact page here on the site for more information.


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