Affiliations and Corporate Clients

International Coaching Federation (ICF)

I’ve been affiliated with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) from the time I began my coaching career.  ICF’s training programs and membership represent the highest professional coaching standards at all levels, worldwide.  Through its professional accreditation programs, I earned my ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC) designation, and I have been an active member, serving the organization in various capacities.  For a number of years, I have served as an exam assessor for ICF coaches applying for their credentials, and it is my great pleasure to be a steward of the ICF Core Competencies and mentoring coaches to fulfill their greatest aspirations.

International Coaching Federation (ICF) – Master Certified Coach (1998 – Present)
International Coaching Federation (ICF) – Exam Assessor, Coach Credentialing (1998 – Present)
International Coaching Federation (ICF) – Circle of Distinction Award (2022)
International Coaching Federation (ICF) – WA State Chapter Lifetime Achievement Award (2012)
International Coaching Federation (ICF) – Co-Chair, Ethics & Standards Committee (1996 – 1998)
International Coaching Federation (ICF) – Executive Board Member (1996 – 1998)

ICF Logo-New 2022

Taylor Core Values Assessment

I am proud to say that I am a Taylor Protocol Master.  I offer Taylor Protocol’s Core Values Index (CVI) Assessment to clients as a way for them to know themselves better and as a means for me to quickly get to know my clients on a deeper level.

The CVI “cracks the code” on revealing our unchanging nature.  With a repeat score reliability of more than 94%, businesses and organizations have found that using the CVI increases performance and profitability because it helps them put the right people in the right place, doing the right work.

For life coaches, business coaches, executive coaches, health coaches, managers, consultants, teachers — and anyone who helps others make the most of their lives, education, and careers — the CVI assessment increases your awareness of your own strengths and capabilities, increasing your ability to serve your clients in uncovering their true nature and identifying underlying issues that may prevent forward movement.

Clarity about your own nature helps you create the deepest rapport with your clients.  Other benefits include:

  • Helps us empower our clients to embrace more satisfying lives and careers.
  • We have greater access to leverage with our own innate capacities.
  • We can utilize this personal awareness as a tool to create a compelling marketing strategy
  • Experience the joy of being more fully WHO YOU ARE!!

If you are currently a professional coach and curious about how the CVI might expand your professional capacities to serve your clients, feel free to reach out to me for more information.

The Added Value of the CVI Assessment

The CVI has provided me so much in my coaching practice and personal life:  my self-awareness, what my natural core values are, and what values I can choose to build on have been identified in a clear, concise, and powerful way.  This awareness offers me more ways to create connection with my coaching clients and in my personal life.  My coaching clients embrace the CVI results and use those insights to empower their projects, relationships, and their personal growth.  My husband of 30 years took the CVI and, as a result, our conversations have grown immensely, creating more authentic communication.  This has allowed us to move forward together, speaking the same language with support and compassion. — Judy Bloom, ThinkWell Coaching

Corporate Clients (Partial List)

Aventis Pasteur (US, Canada)     Bank of Montreal (Canada)      Bocada     Burst for Prosperity     Eastern Beyond (China)      emotion (Israel)     Franciscan Health Systems     GE Capital     Health Services Northwest      McKinstry     Microsoft     Nintendo of America, Inc.     Northstar Neuro     Progeny     Pulse Biosciences     Space Labs      Medical     Star Power     U.S. Environmental Protection Agency     Washington CASH     Weyerhauser

My leadership performance and career potential is rising, thanks to your accurate assessment of my performance gaps and your skillful partnership in helping me prioritize, develop, and implement new habits and behaviors.  I am already experiencing less stress; my work/life is in better balance;  I am raising my own standards of quality and service in my output and timelines;  I have improved my working relationships—
and this is just the beginnin
g!” — B. Dow, VP Finance

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