Articles and Books

Fran Fisher, MCC      Guest Author for The Coaching Tools Company

I am so pleased to be one of the Guest Authors for The Coaching Tools Company.  I’ve written a number of coaching mastery articles that are published on their site, with each article delving into the empowering approaches to coaching that I’ve learned as a master coach and mentor coach for more than 30 years in this rewarding profession.  These topics support deeper engagement with your clients and, in turn, greater fulfillment in doing so.  Enjoy!

  • 13 Quick Tips to Go Deeper With Your Coaching
  •  The Seven Wisdoms – a Masterful Coaching Series from Fran Fisher, MCC
               Wisdom 1 – Connect Heart-to-Heart
               Wisdom 2 – Make Empowering Choices
               Wisdom 3 – Aim for the Goal / Embrace the Process
               Wisdom 4 – Speak Empowering Language
               Wisdom 5 – Commit to Transformation
               Wisdom 6 – Call Forth Greatness
               Wisdom 7 – Hold Them BIG
  • Ten Thought-Provoking Coaching Questions to Grow Your Leadership in Life and Work
  • Six Zen Principles to Be a Highly Masterful Coach

You’ll find the articles linked here on The Coaching Tools Company website, listed below my bio on that page.

Introducing a free download for your reading pleasure!

Fran’s Journey along the Camino de Francés


Pilgrim Blessings:  The Way of St. James

 The Ancient Pilgrim Path: Camino de Francés


Since 2000, I dreamed of and envisioned walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain.  My inspiration was first reading Shirley MacLaine’s book about her journey and experiences walking Camino de Santiago, and then I began to envision how that journey might be for me.  I also envisioned not doing it alone!

I have a dear friend, Gloria, whom I’ve known for years.  We both read MacLaine’s book and decided that we’d like to take that journey together.  Our discussions turned into a plan, with actions and dates, and in September, 2015, we journeyed to Spain to fulfill our individual quests, together.

Since that experience, I have thought a lot about the value of that journey — what I gained and what I could discard as no longer useful in my life, as well as a delightful and challenging physically journey.  I changed me and I will always be grateful for the experience, the insights, and the opportunities for growth.

Last year, I began writing about the journey as a gift to my family, and as I mentioned it to friends and colleagues, others expressed their interest in reading about my experience.  So, this year, as I finished my Camino de Santiago travel memoir, I decided to offer it as a free download here.  I hope you will find it enjoyable and perhaps be inspired to consider your personal journey from a broader perspective.  I certainly have!

Enjoy!  Here’s the link again.

Warmest regards,


Free ebook download!

Calling Forth Greatness, Seven Coaching Wisdoms for Transforming Your Life

by Fran Fisher


In Calling Forth Greatness, Fran offers guiding principles for personal professional coaches, and they are transferable for you in your everyday life. Each Wisdom will spark new insights and perspectives for you. When you practice these principles, you will tap into your deepest, innate wisdom. Your will call forth your own greatness and the greatness of others around you. Transformation in the quality of your life will naturally occur.

These Seven Coaching Wisdoms will show you how to transform your life, so you can:

  • Expand your ability to see the greatness in yourself and others
  • Bring out the best in yourself and others around you
  • Be a positive influence for meaningful change
  • Live courageously, more true to your values
  • Access your innate strengths with confidence
  • Enjoy greater freedom, joy, and peace


Available for Kindle and in paperback from

Empowerment Selling, STOP Selling and START Fulfilling Your Customers’ Needs

Featuring Fran Fisher, MCC, and Mark Bornstein


Empowerment Selling demonstrates the paradigm shift from selling a product or service by having to convince the customer that it’s the best product/service (which, at the extreme, would be high pressure sales) to facilitating the customer in a client-generated solution for a successful outcome which helps build collaborative, ongoing relationships—and a long-term sales win/win strategy. We are presenting a powerful approach we call The 3C Principle: Connect. Clarify. Cultivate. The 3C Principle focuses on the essence of this underlying empowerment philosophy for effective sales versus detailed mechanics or formulated scripts and the inference that the seller knows more than the customer.


Available for Kindle and in paperback from

The Illusion of Hopelessness

by Fran Fisher, MCC


Fran explores the challenges and rewards of Coaching Youth at Risk which most often requires breaking the cycle of poverty, violence, and abuse.  The Illusion of Hopelessness was inspired by Craig Trowhill, who lived the “street experience”—gangs, drugs, and violence.  After discovering martial arts and then being introduced to the coaching profession, Craig turned his life around to be of service, working with youth caught in the juvenile court system in Toronto, Canada.  Craig had a dream of publishing a book that would send a message to youth: “If I can turn my life around, so can you!”

The Illusion of Hopelessness shares a broad range of stories of youth, from those who are living a middle-class lifestyle with parents who can afford to pay for personal coaching to youth dealing with addictions or attention disorders to homeless youth to youth caught in domestic violence, poverty, crime, and the criminal justice system.  Contributors range from highly structured youth intervention programs with a staff of highly trained internationally certified coaches to informal approaches by individuals who have not been formally trained as coaches.

This book will be especially important if you are a

  • Parent of a struggling youth.  You will learn effective ways of supporting your youth through their adolescent years – and beyond – or a healthy, happy, and productive life.
  • Member of a community service organization.  You will see opportunities to contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty, violence, and abuse for our youth.
  • Nonprofit working with youth-at-risk.  This book will validate your vision and mission and inspire new models for greater effectiveness; it will provide inspiration and guidance.
  • Citizen who is inspired to incorporate elements of the coaching approach into an existing program.  You will learn tools, best practices, and resources.
  • Youth inspired by Craig Trowhill’s story.  You will learn that you have within you the strengths and capacities to live true to who you are.
  • Educator or associated with Law Enforcement, Social Service, or Foster Care.  You will see how you can participate with the empowerment approach in your connections with youth.
  • Coach.  You will learn ways of applying your skills in community service.


Available for Kindle and in paperback from

Violet’s Vision

by Fran Fisher


In Violet’s Vision, Fran introduces you to Violet, the Guardian Angel of Vision.  She has been living with regret and humiliation for eons, hiding out in the Celestial Library dusting books.  In the past, she kept visions bright and shiny for people on earth to claim, but life on earth has deteriorated over time into chaos and frenzy.  In this sweet parable, Violet sets forth on her own hero’s journey to help the people on Earth and ultimately fulfills her own angelic purpose.  Violet’s Vision has recently been updated, and the new third edition 2024 is available at (follow link below).


Available for Kindle and in paperback from

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